Black Volga following me ---
Nobody`s car.
Mr. No-one at the wheel of
Nobody`s car.
Wet pavements, thin apartments ---
quiet dissent from darkened doorways.
I want out alive.
Speak up for me if you can.
So, careful how you drive
in tourist city.
Slap in front of my hotel ---
it`s Nobody`s car.
Is that my limousine?
No, it`s Nobody`s car.
Are you on routine assignment?
Plastic shades on black-browed eye-hole.
I read this book before.
I even saw the film.
How did the ending go?
(Intourist city.)
Black out.
It`s a weird scenario.
I`ve seen a thousand times before
but only on my video.
Feel my steps quick in the headlights
of Nobody`s car.
Down cobbled alley with no exit from
Nobody`s car.
Doors slam, two figures silhouette ---
somewhere before, I feel we`ve met.
Can`t tell you any more.
I agreed to go along with all they asked of me.
Intourist city.
I drive Nobody`s car.