Leave My Little Kitten Alone 2:32
Little Willie John
(Little Willie John, Titus Turner, James McDougal)
King Single #5219 Pop Chart #60 Aug 3, 1959
R&B Chart #13
Reissued as King #5452 Pop Chart #60 Jan 23, 1961
With Ernie Hayes-piano, Mickey Baker-guitar
Emile Russell-drums, Shafek Kareem (Skippy Williams)
& Bellino Ramaglia-tenor sax, Arleem Kareem (Pinky Williams)
baritone sax, Alfred Cobbs-trombone, unk strings.
Transcriber: Awcantor@aol.com
<`meow` chorus continues through song>
You better leave (meow) my kitten alone (meow, meow)
You better leave (meow, meow) my kitten alone (meow, meow)
I done told you big bad bulldog
You better leave her alone (meow, meow)
Don`t you know my kitten is a dream?
Don`t you know my kitten is a dream?
So, get your hands off of her, `cause I`m her lovin` man
*Mr. Dog I`m gonna hit you on the top a yo` head
The Batgirl`s gonna miss you
And you`ll wish that you were dead
If you don`t lee-ee-eave my kitten alone
Yes, I love my little kitten
Like you hounddogs love your bone
(Instrumental & sax)
Mr. Dog, I`m gonna hit you on the top a yo` head
The *Batgirl`s gonna miss you
And you`ll wish that you were dead
If you don`t lee-eee-eave my kitten alone
Yes, I love my little kitten
Like all you hounddogs love your bone
Oh yeah
You better leave
You better leave
You better lee-eee-eee-eave.
* Mr. Dog (`The Bathound) and *Batgirl, might refer to the comic characters from the 50`s in Batman and Detective Comic Books.
(not sure, just guessing!)