LIFE SEX & DEATHfrom FALZEthis lyric sheet is a mess, so I`m just gonna try to convert itto where I think the lines end, judging by the capitalized words, enjoy!!=======
I Wanna Sex You Up / Five
The Sweetest Perfection / deftones
The Way His Collar Falls / Saves The Day
Пятьсот Весёлый (Стилизация под Рената Баязитова) /
Forget Tomorrow / Left Front Tire
Not to Blame / Joni Mitchell
mission impossible theme4 / Limp Bizkit
Где ж вы, где ж вы, очи карие? / Застольные песни
Sophia / The Rasmus
Get Behind The Mule / Tom Waits
Back Up Off Me / U.N.L.V.