So Messed Up — текст песни (The Damned)

one,two,three oh she`s so

messed up,she won`t even ball

well she`s so messed up she has no fun at all

she`s a sad case of hit and run

i think that i would rather fuck her mum

oh well her face is such a mess

the best thing she can do is die

oh well i`d save her the trouble

but i bet you`d still call it a crime

oh would you know

so messed up,well she`s so messed up

yeah she`s so messed up,so messed up

so messed up (9 times)

oh she`s so messed up she don`t feel the pain

oh she`s so messed up she`ll always feel the same

oh she`s so messed up she don`t feel the pain

i think ,no i ain`t think,she ain` got no brain

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