+Barry Is The Baby`s Name
We`ll call him Barry, Barry.
That`ll be the baby`s name.
We thought of Lance or Josh,
But, oh, my gosh,
They`re not the same.
But if it`s Barry, Barry,
That`s a name with style and grace.
And if he`s not a he,
It still could be
Like in Barrie Chase.
H-O-ROW-ITZ spells Horowitz.
Yesterday I took my girlfriend Peggy
To watch him play a concert at Carnegie.
V-L-ADIMI-R, that`s Vladimir.
And he plays piano good,
Like a real piano player should.
Horowitz. Hear, hear!
+Get On The Garden Freeway
Get on the Garden Freeway,
When you come up to visit me.
You`ll see a great big shopping center,
With a brand new A. & P.
Turn left at Kosciusko,
Continue to the third stop light.
Then turn around and drive right back
Because I won`t be home tonight!