Lesson 1
Tabs and Lessons By: Shock
Try this all downpicked and then try alternate picking
After that try doing it faster and faster
( This wiil help with getting your right hand technique for leads )
h p h p h p
Try this to get some hammers and pulls down for your left hand technique
because we all know that every lead guitarists main thind is hammers pulls and
bends which are next
bend bend bend bend
try bending 14 and then when you get that down pat then do the b string 12 and after that do the high e
string 12
when you finish all in this lesson you should be able to write a basic solo or even learn someone
elses an easy basic one is Nothing Else Matters by Metallica. I will start posting lessons more and more for all us lead guitarists
out there and I please ask any and all lead guitarists to send me some info like, cool solos to learn, new guitar tricks, etc. or any feedback on the lessons