Song Title: We The People
Artist: Minus Blindfold
tune down 2 steps- down to (C,G,C,F,A,D)
this song has kind of weird timing. It`s sluggish, then after the Break
It gets like 1.5 times faster. Just listen to the song.
opening riff, and verse
C--[ 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-6-6-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0] simple I know
Refrain thingy
C-- [0-0-0-5h6-5-0-0-0-3h5-3]then
C-- [0-0-0-5h6-5-0-0-0-1 bend full step]
G-- [----------------------------------------------3-]
C-- [0-1(sl)3-0-1(sl)3-1(sl)6, 0-1(sl)3-0-1(sl)3-0--4]
G-- [------------------------------------------------]
C-- {0-1(sl)3-0-1(sl)3-1(sl)6, 0-1(sl)3-01(sl)3-0-0-1]
G-- [------5-5(sl)1-1-1-1------]
C-- [0-x-x----------------0-3-1]
C-- [0--let ring--3-3h5-3-3] then
C-- [0-0-6-0-0-6-0-0-6-12(sl)1
intro X 2
verse X 4
Refrain X 4
Prechorus X 2
Chorus X 4
verse X 4
refrain X 4
Prechorus X 2
Chorus X 4
Break X 2
Refrain X 4
Prechorus X 2
Chorus X 4
Verse X 4
There ya go. I don`t have the lyrics handy- I`ll type them later.
Feel free to E-mail me.
Submitted by: Adam Pearson (