from Underneath
Too tired to sleep, too angry to pray,
too far down to get back up, too lost to find my way.
Who knows what happened, I`m too confused to say,
and too far gone to turn back now;
it`s too late anyway.
I don`t need a clever confidant to try
to soothe with hollow words,
I`ve heard them all.
What I need is just to know
I have a home within your heart.
Just hold me close. A few words will do.
We don`t have to find the answers now,
it`s enough to be with you.
В©1999 Midnight Ocean Bonfire Music(ASCAP)/Cindy Lou My Dear (ASCAP) written with Tim-LaГјer/Sony/ATV Songs LLC dba Tree Publishing Co. (BMI)
All Rights Reserved/International Copyright Secured