Everybody in the house jump up `n` scream The bass is rising, the air is steam, The party`s just started but every1 knows Two beats, a sound a drumroll and the crowd goes Hyper Hyper Hyper H-H-H-H-Hyper Hyper... Let`s floor this beat...
Подол / Михаил Шуфутинский
I`m the Fuckin` Murderer / Spice 1
Голая звезда / Олег Добрынин (Фабрика звезд-3)
American Dream / Neil Young
Definition of Ill Remix / Peanut Butter Wolf f Planet Asia
Black Crow Blues / Bob Dylan
Сучка с сумочкой / Алексей Хвостенко, Анри Волохонский
I Could Never Be That Man / Blue Rodeo
Cul De Sac / Van Morrison
Edge of Seventeen / LINDSAY LOHAN
Lonely Boy / Iron Butterfly