You point your finger at the faces (my family)
On this photograph
This is my father (he looks like me)
On this photograph
I don`t remember (I was too small)
The day he went
Only the money and the letters (sometimes he`d call)
That he used to send
Nere varsam ayrincilik
Evden ,cikmaz ,cocuk ,coluk
Goozuum ya,sli i,cim yanik
Ah hollanda seni seni; vah hollanda seni seni
Now we`re living in the same town (I like your face)
In this old back street
I hear the neighbours when they whisper (a different face)
In this old back street
Gak medisi oldu cellat
Aman doktor derdime bak
I,sverende yok merhamet
Ah hollanda seni seni; vah hollanda seni seni
Saglam geldik sakat oldule
Yabanciler hep horlandik
Bize ya,sam oolduu artik
Ah hollanda seni seni; vah hollanda seni seni
,Cifte kultur sorun oldu
Gen,clerin yildizi soonduu
Okullar cikmaza girdik
Ah hollanda seni seni; vah hollanda seni seni
Aylik duu,sduya,sam oolduu
Gocuk cocuk i,s,siz kaldi
Heciz kapimiza geldi
Ah hollanda seni seni; vah hollanda seni seni
Duuzen bozuk huzur hic yok
Sosyal duuzen oldu bombok
Robot geldi i,s,ci stop