Martha say she don`t need no stinking man making no decisions for her.
She don`t need his money, she don`t need him between the sheets,
She ain`t gonna sleep on the edge of the bed for no stinking man.
And that`s the way she lives `cause I saw her last night
Pouring water on a drowning man in the moonlight, saying:
Hi-de-hi-de-hi, brother,
Hi-de-hi-de-hey now, Martha.
Hi-de-hi-de-hi, sister.
Say what, hey you, look out, Martha.
Martha say she don`t need no revolver to shoot some idiot down.
She can do it with her eyes, she can do it with her smile,
She can do it with a conversation just walking down the hall.
Man, now ain`t that the truth `cause i saw her take a bite out of
Some macho dude laying some corn ball line on her last night, saying:
Hi-de-hi-de-hi, brother,
Hi-de-hi-de-hey now, Martha.
Hi-de-hi-de-hi, sister.
Say what, hey you, look out, Martha.
Hi-de-hi-de-hi, brother. (Hi-de-hi-de-hi, brother.)
Hi-de-hi-de-ho, sister. (Hi-de-hi-de-hi, yeah.)
Hi-de-hi-de-hi. (Hi-de-hi-de-ho, yeah.)
Hi-de-hi-de-hi, Martha.
Say what, look out, shake it up Martha.
Martha say say she ain`t changin`, no nothin` for nobody for
no damn good reason.
It`s the way that she wants it, it`s the way that she gets it.
Well, the girl loves playing hardball, it leaves me in a
no win situation saying:
Hi-de-hi-de-hi, brother,
Hi-de-hi-de-hey now, Martha.
Hi-de-hi-de-hi, sister.
Say what, hey you, look out, Martha.
Martha say she don`t need no stinking man making no decisions for her.