Up in the morning and out to school
Mother says there`ll be no work next year
Qualifications once the Golden Rule are now just pieces of paper
Just because you`re better than me doesn`t mean I`m lazy.
Just because you`re going forwards doesn`t mean I`m going backwards.
Well if you look the part well then you`ll get the job in last year`s trousers
and your oldschool shoes
The truth is son it`s a buyer`s market they can afford to pick and choose
Just because you`re better than me doesn`t mean I`m lazy
Just because I dress like this doesn`t mean I`m a Communist.
Well the factory`s are closing and the army`s full
I don`t know what I`m going to do
But I`ve come to see in the land of the free
There`s only room for a chozen few
Just because you`re better than me doesn`t mean I`m lazy
Just because you`re going forwards doesnt`t mean I`m going backwards
Well at 21 you`re atop of the scrap heap
At 16 you were top of your class
Well I dropped outta high school in Cambell, California
Got a guitar and I never looked back
Just because your better than me doesn`t mean I`m lazy
Just because I dress like this doesn`t mean I`m a Communist