You, you try, you try to get by. You`re never going to pull
it off, You shouldn`t even try You`re a wet cigarette, You`re
always second best, but they`re never going to give a shit about
anybody but themselves. You fight for them to realize; there`s
more to life, there`s more to you, there`s more than meets the
eye. And when you`re done, the battle`s been won. You sit back,
you smile and this is what you hum, you hum: . . . 1234 1234
. . . The years go by, the time it does fly. Every single second
is a moment in time that passes oh, so quick and it seems like
nothing, but when you`re looking back, well it amounts to everything.
I`ve got myself. I`ve got my friends. I`ve got my little family,
but thats not where it ends. This one goes out to you, it goes
out to everyone. It`s in the name of honesty because life gas
just begun. . . . 1234 1234 . . . Look around little brother,
Can you tell me what you see? You`re a big boy now, so take responsibility.
You never had it hard, but now it`s getting tough, so you whine,
whine, whine, and you say you`ve had enough. You say I`m full
of shit That I`m a hypocrite I shouldn`t talk, when I can`t take
the advice that I give? Well maybe you`re right, but open your
eyes: the main differnce here is that I try, try, try.