|P.M...........................| Let Ring........................
Hey mom......
Verse: (all is palm-muted) play 2 times
What if people knew........ play 2 times
know the CIA would say......... play 2 times
Up all night long.......
(plam mute) And I know it must be late.....
I`m not like you guys.......
(play 2 times)
I`am still a skeptic yes you know me..... (play 2 times)
I got an injection....... (play 2 times)
Up all night long.......
And I know it must be late.....
I`m not like you guys.......
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
Dark and scary, ordinary
Up all night long.......
And I know it must be late..... (palm mute)
I`m not like you guys.......