Announcer: And now, it`s time for that great new game show What`s My Letter?. And here`s the host of the show, Guy Smiley.
Guy: Thank you! Thank you! And now, before we begin our game, let me tell you that today`s letter is the letter E. Remember, that`s the letter E. And now, let`s meet our first contestant, a lovely young lady, Miss Prairie Dawn.
Prairie: Thank you. It is sincerely a pleasure to be here Guy.
Guy: And now, Prairie, here is your question. In the alphabet, what letter comes after the letter D?
Prairie: Oh mercy, I am afraid I do not know.
Guy: Think now Prairie it comes after D and just before F.
Prairie: Uh-huh. Oh, what a puzzler.
Guy: Sometimes it sounds like Eh as in egg, elbow, and elephant.
Prairie: Egg, elbow, elephant. Oh, I have not the faintest.
Guy: Other times it sounds like eee, as in eat, Easter, and evening.
Prairie: This is a very difficult question.
Guy: Time is running out. Remember if you answer correctly, you will win our grand prize, this delightful pet mouse.
Prairie: A mouse??!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
Guy: That`s absolutely right! Yes! E is the letter right after D, and here is your mouse!
Guy: That`s all the time we have for today, get off the table Prairie. Tune in next time for another exciting game of What`s My Letter?