Grover: Yoo-hoo! It is I, your little stage manager! Tell me when to drop the snow!
Prairie: Get back, Grover! Everyone can see you!
Grover: (aside) Sorry.
Prairie, in singsong voice:
Oh, welcome. Oh, welcome
To our little play.
We`re ever so glad
You could join us today
To praise the four seasons
That make up our year.
But, hearken! Cold winter,
The first one, is here!
Bert: (aside): Am I first? I`m so nervous.
Oh, winter`s the season
For cold and for snow...
Uh, for snow...
Prairie: The snow, Grover, the snow!
Grover: Oops! Sorry.
Bert: The ground is all icy,
So flowers can`t grow.
Prairie: You missed him, Grover! It`s supposed to snow ON Bert!
Bert: Though winter is chilly,
It`s also quite nice.
You can sled on the snow.
You can skate on the ice.
(to snowman prop) C`mon Horace. Let`s get out of here.
Grover (to himself): Oh, my goodness. Who is next?
Prairie: Spring! Spring comes after winter, silly.
Ernie (pushing Herry): Hey Herry! Get out there!
Herry: Uh...Then after winter
Comes heavenly spring,
When the snow starts to melt,
And the birdies all sing.
Grover: Cue the birdies of springtime!
Tweet, tweet! Oh, tweety-tweet!
Oh, a thousand tweets!
Prairie: Enough, Grover, enough!
Herry: First the sun starts to shine.
Then the rain starts to shower.
And up from the ground
Grows a beautiful...
(with a flourish)
Ernie (aside): I`m next.
Three cheers for summer,
When it`s sunny and hot.
The beaches are open;
The schoolrooms are not.
Grover (aside): Oh, where did I put the sunshine?
Ernie: There`s tennis and baseball
And fishing and swimming
For boys and for girls
And for men and for wimming!
Prairie (aside): Wimming?
Ernie: Hey, Grover, it doesn`t snow in summer!
Grover: Sorry! I could not find the sunshine!
Cookie (aside): Me next.
Me apple tree...with real apples! See?
In autumn we harvest
Many good things to eat
Like corn, squash, and pumpkins
And apples so sweet...
Apples so sweet...
Me love to...
Grover: Hey, watch it!
Cookie: ...EAT THEM!
Mmmm! Apples not bad AT ALL!
Prairie: Cookie, stop eating your costume.
Cookie: In autumn the leaves
Turn red, yellow, and brown;
And when the wind blows them,
Leaves fall to the ground.
Grover: OH, MOMMY! I am going to fall!
Cookie: Leaves not bad either!
Ernie, Bert, Cookie, and Herry: We`ve told you the four Seasons, and the fun
That they bring.
They are...
Ernie: SUMMER!
Cookie: And AUTUMN!
Bert: And WINTER!
Herry: Oh, and SPRING!
Ernie, Bert, Cookie and Herry: They`re just like four letters
We`re holding right here.
You put them together
And they make a...
Grover: There is no business like show business!