Rick & Bert: Stick out your hand and say hello
You might meet someone just like you who`s really great to know
Rick: Now, mind you, I love the friends I`ve got
Bert: Oh, sure. But making a new one hits the spot
Rick: Howdy, I`m Rick, how are you, man?
Bert: Hello!
Rick: It`s always swell to run across another oatmeal fan!
Bert: I`m Bert, and hey, meeting you is neat
Those shoes and socks do wonders for your feet!
(they`re both wearing saddle shoes and argyle socks!)
Rick & Bert: Even if you`re kind of shy, don`t worry, it`s okay
Come on, reach out and shake a hand and make a friend today!
Rick: Hi, I like pigeons, how `bout you?
Bert: Wha- Wow! I don`t believe this, you know, I love pigeons too!
Cowgirl & Blue guy in seats behind them: Me too!
Rick: What`s shakin` neighbors, put `er there!
Cowgirl & Blue guy: The pleasure`s ours!
Bert: Gee thanks - (to Blue guy) I dig your hair! (he has Bert-hair!)
Blue guy: Oh!
All 4: Sometimes it might be hard to be the one who breaks the ice
But try it and you`ll find that making friends is really nice
Everybody on the plane: SO, stick out your hand and say hello
You might meet someone just like you who`s really great to know
Stewardess: How are ya?
Guy in back: What`s new?
All: Hey, how ya doin`? Alright!
Cow: When I meet someone new, I feel like mooin`! MOOOOOOOOOO!
All: Yeah! Stick out your hand and say hello
Cowgirl: Hi!
All: You might meet someone just like you who`s really great to know
It`s wonderful to watch how friendships grow
When you stick out your hand and say
Isn`t life grand today?
Stick out your hand and say hello!
(And then everybody on the plane laughs like Bert!)