(Zoe comes dancing in)
Hiiiiii -
My name is Zoe!
And I`m proud I`m proud I`m proud
And what I`m proud about
I`m gonna tell you right out loud
Can spell my name!
I know all the letters by heart
I bet you didn`t know
That Zoe monster is so smart!
(dances over to blocks)
The first one is my favourite
It`s the zig-and-zaggy Z
Looks kind of like a lightning bolt
A Z that stands for me!
(brings Z block over to O block)
Here comes the second letter
Bet you haven`t guessed it yet
Here it comes, get ready
It`s a ... oh ... I forget
It`s sooooort -
Of like a wheel
It`s really beautiful and round
Oh yeah, it`s called an O
And you can roll it on the ground
The last one -
(dancing over to E block)
Is really excellent!
It`s letter number three
One big stick, three little sticks
It`s E, it`s E, it`s EEEEEEEEE! (spinning)
You put the letters side by side
And that is how you spell
(carries E block over to the other two)
Three very special letters
That spell Zoe really well
Z is one and O is two
And E is number three
(pushing letterblocks all together)
That`s Zoe Zoe Zoe
And I`m prooooud -
To say that`s me!
It`s me, Zoe!
It`s me, yeah!