From: (Jason Black)
Band on the Run - Paul McCartney
---------(11)r-9---------(11)r 9-11-------------------------------
----------12------------------------------- ?
-10-------10------------------------------- ?
-12^11-11--9----12^14^12^14^12^14^12^14^12- ? If anyone can help out with
-------12---------------------------------- ? the bit right here, please
------------------------------------------- ? e-mail me or post it.
------------------------------------------- ?
And then, at [1:18]:
At [2:05], there is a horn part:
Starting at [3:39], there are a series of fills that go something like:
And then the brief solo at [3:51]:
The fill after And the county judge at [4:38]:
~ vibrato
^ hammer on/pull off
<> harmonic
b bend from fret before b to fret following b
r release from fret before r to fret followin r
For bends and releases, numbers in ()`s indicate fret to bend to/release from;
only pick the first note of a bend or release.
Jason Black