Big Bird: I`m a bluebird that`s been dreaming
Of a rainbow I can follow
To that old familiar place I long to see
Friendly faces, a smile to greet me
Or just a simple Hello, how are you?
Oh, without them, I`m so blue
There`s only one thing that will do
To make this heartache end
To be back home again
Boy in audience (Liston Bates, spoken): He sure looks sad.
Girl sitting next to boy (Tawny Richard, spoken): He sure does.
Big Bird: I`ll never lose my dreams
Even though this time it seems
Like I`m such a long way
From any rainbows that might keep my dreams from fading
Oh, no wonder I`m so blue
(Sam, working spotlight, cries loudly)
Big Bird: There`s only one thing that will do
To make this heartache end
To be back home again
To be back home again
Sid (counting money backstage while he sings):
I`m a rich man, getting richer
Here`s my money; let me count it
I`m so happy... (starts whistling)
(Boy and girl from audience sneak in behind him and go to sleeping Big Bird`s cage.)
Girl: Are you real?
(A tear trickles from Big Bird`s left eye)
Boy: He must be real; he`s crying. (to Big Bird) What`s the matter?
Big Bird (wakes up and sees kids): Oh, oh, uh, I`m in big trouble, see? Uh, could you do me a favor? (Kids nod) Uh, I, I can`t get out of here, and I want to! So, could you call Mister Looper`s Store on Sesame Street and tell somebody where I am?
Sid (spoken, noticing kids): Hey, kids, get away from the talent! Go on, get! Scram! (barks like a dog as kids run off. Laughs.)
(singing) I`m a rich man, getting richer!
(Girl is on pay phone with boy lifting her. Phone rings once, and operator answers.)
Operator (spoken): Operator. May I help you?
Girl (spoken): Hello, operator, can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?