We Who Are Not As OthersWe Who Are Not As OthersWe Who Are Not As OthersWe Who Are Not As Others We Who Are Not As OthersWe Who Are Not As OthersWe Who Are Not As Others
Hiroshima / Moustaki Georges
Dictators of Cruelty / Destruction
toy store / of a revolution
Unseen Holocaust / Earth Crisis
Пародия на песню Ю.Визбора Телефон / Игорь Михалёв
Lieve / Kuntz Marlene
Starting Over Again / billy dean
Сожженная ведьма /
Lite Skinned Freckle Face / TQ f P-Nut and the Gi-Gi`s
О бесполезности скандалов с ревностью / Петр Федчун