Gates To Abominium — текст песни (Rosae Crucis)


Falling in the Darkness

Through the Rotteness

Feel my Anger

Stronger than thy hell


Welcome to the Abyss

Stone and Steel can`t help you

Banned from the upper world by mortal men

We live here ..

For Thousand years we ruled the lands

We were the Tyrants

Deep in Darkness now we stay..

The Ancient Race.


Why are you descending from the Gates to Abominium?


Shut up Beast I`m Bran Mak Morn.

[repeat chorus]


Where is it?Where is the stone The Idol .

Find the stone

The Human stole it Nooo, Demons of Rlyeh


Sneaking out of Darkness

The Black stone i got it.

Reptile Men are screaming

They will never find it..

I stole their Stone to submit

the Ancient Race is bounded..

They will be the Bringer of my Revenge


You fool..

You will be damned forever

Bran Mak Morn

We`ll drink your soul..

[Repeat Chorus]

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